cb radio


cb radio 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a device that transmits and receives radio signals only within a designated band of frequencies.Compare Citizens Band.
  2. a system of private radio communication built around such a device.

cb radio 近义词

n. 名词 noun

private radio communication

更多cb radio例句

  1. Charles “Father” Coughlin, a raving anti-Semite, was one of the most popular radio hosts in the country.
  2. During coverage of that issue, Farrell went on a WSMB AM radio talk show to defend Duke.
  3. Speaking to a local radio station today Antonella Ramelli said the video gives her hope.
  4. Yet another video catches the sounds of the gunshots and shows Brinsley standing by the parked radio car.
  5. However, an article designed to act as a tie-in to the piece has been published as planned in the BBC magazine Radio Times.
  6. In short, one of the three circuits (Bo Oc Cb) shows money circulating once out of bank.
  7. I am going to get a book about it, and that will tell us just what to do in getting a radio set established.
  8. Jessie had noted down the things she thought it would be safe to order before speaking to her father about the radio matter.
  9. That afternoon Mr. Norwood brought home the radio receiving set in the automobile.
  10. For the next few days Jessie and Amy were busy almost all day long, and evening too, with the radio.